



技術名稱: 智慧型太陽光電模組與系統技術開發技術


本技術開發符合NEC 609.12規範,30秒內關斷,電壓降為安全範圍的模組端快速關斷智慧型接線盒,保障太陽光電系統於失火時,救災人員免於觸電危害。考量戶外UV對盒體影響及裝置地點可能位於沿海嚴苛環境,將智慧型接線盒連接市售模組形成智慧型接線模組後,進行IEC 61215的UV曝曬15 kWh/m2照射及IEC 61701 酸性鹽霧70天可靠度測試,測試結果顯示模組功率損失均低於5%,符合規範要求。此外系統技術方面,於工研院六甲院區建置20kW的智慧型接線盒模組示範場域,實際測試快關裝置的遠端關斷功能及關斷30秒內系統電壓降為80V的要求,均能符合規範,本技術成果可作為未來廠商投入模組端智慧型快關裝置的開發及系統施工參考。


This technology development complies with the NEC 609.12 standard, featuring a rapid shutdown smart junction box that can disconnect within 30 seconds, reducing the voltage to a safe range. This ensures that emergency responders are protected from electric shock hazards during a fire in solar photovoltaic systems. Considering the impact of outdoor UV on the box and the possibility of installation in harsh coastal environments, the smart junction box is connected to commercially available modules to form a smart junction module. It undergoes UV exposure testing of 15 kWh/m² according to IEC 61215 and a 70-day reliability test for acidic salt mist according to IEC 61701. Test results show that the power loss of the module is below 5%, meeting regulatory requirements. In addition, on the technical side, a 20 kW smart junction box module demonstration site has been established at the Industrial Technology Research Institute’s Liujia campus. The actual testing of the remote shutdown function of the fast shutdown device and the requirement for the system voltage to drop to 80V within 30 seconds were both met. This technical achievement can serve as a reference for future manufacturers in the development of smart rapid shutdown devices for module applications and for system installation.


輸入工作電壓範圍 7-90V/每通道 最大持續輸入電流 15A/每通道 輸出工作電壓範圍 16-130V 最大系統電壓 1000V/1500V 工作環境溫度範圍 -40 °C ~ + 75 °C 安全合規 NEC 2020 690.12/IP 68/IEC 61215 (DH/TC/UV)/IEC 61701

Technical Specification

Maximum Input operating Voltage 7-90V/ Per Channel Maximum Cont. Input Current (Imax) 15A/ Per Channel Maximum Output operating Voltage 16-130V Maximum System Voltage 1000V/1500V Operating Ambient Temperature Range -40 °C ~ + 75 °C Safety Compliance NEC 2020 690.12/IP 68/IEC 61215 (DH/TC/UV)/IEC 61701


模組端快速關斷設備(Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown Equipment, PVRSE)搭配信號發生器(Transmitter)構成所謂的模組端快速關斷系統,信號發生器做為信號主機,通過不斷的發送訊號維持關斷設備的正常工作。在系統遇到緊急情況時,可以通過交流拉閘或遠端控制停止信號發生器的工作,此時模組端關斷設備斷開每一塊模組的輸出,從而消除太陽光電系統陣列中存在的直流高壓,降低觸電風險、解決施救風險,為太陽光電系統的安全添一道保險。






技術分類 01 綠能環境


聯絡人:劉漢章 太陽光電技術組

電話:+886-6-3636850 或 Email:itri960529@itri.org.tw

