



技術名稱: 高效能 H.264/AVC 硬體編碼器 (矽智財)


本技術是基於硬體設計之高效能H.264/AVC視訊編碼矽智財 核心技術,適合應用於多媒體資訊等相關領域。其相容於國 際標準ITU-T H.264,能應用於其他與H.264相容機種的產 品上。 主要的授權模式是提供RTL原始程式碼以及被授權廠商將來 修改或整合時需要的相關測試樣本。


This is a hardware based H.264/AVC video Encoder IP core with high performance for multimedia information appliance. The focal target is compliant with the international standard ITU-T H.264 (also known as ISO/IEC14496-10), also interoperable to the other H.264 compliance products. The main business model is to provide RTL source code with associated test patterns for licensee’s further integrating and modifying. Promising strongly support on training course and technical consultant can help you shorten the product release time. Further customization on functional specifications and system interfaces is also negotiable and welcome. Not only FPGA verification and ASIC proven, but SOC platform level verification is our goal. A live demo environment to show the overall capability of the IP core will be made before delivering to customers. The candidates of ICL’s licensee in this product would be IC design house and design service companies, but not limited, who want to let their existing or planning products more outstanding and differentiating with that of their competitors. Our obligation and promise is to help Taiwan local vendors catching the technical needs in time, thus long term maintenance and continue developing is 100% guaranteed by ICL and related government policies.


(1) Baseline profile, 720P/30fps @108MHz (BP v2) (2) Baseline profile, 1080P/30fps @196MHz (BP v3) (3) Baseline profile, 1080P/30fps @123MHz (BP v4) (4) High profile, 1080P/30fps @123MHz (HP v1) (5) Gate count: 420k ~ 800k (6) Internal SRAM: 99k ~ 150k bits (7) AHB/AXI bus interface

Technical Specification

(1) Baseline profile, 720P/30fps @108MHz (BP v2) (2) Baseline profile, 1080P/30fps @196MHz (BP v3) (3) Baseline profile, 1080P/30fps @123MHz (BP v4) (4) High profile, 1080P/30fps @123MHz (HP v1) (5) Gate count: 420k ~ 800k (6) Internal SRAM: 99k ~ 150k bits (7) AHB/AXI bus interface


(1) Fully hardware solution (2) FPGA proven (3) Silicon support


(1) Surveillance video capturing (2) IP video phone/conferencing (3) Digital Camera / Digital Camcorder (4) IP / Web Camera (5) Personal Video Recorder (6) Streaming Processors


(1) 具 IC Design House 或 Design Service 設計能 力與設備或系統廠商。 (2) IC Design Tools (Cadence, etc)。


(1) Video Coding/Signal Processing. (2) Verilog Progarmming. (3) IC Design Tools Usage.

技術分類 通訊


聯絡人:黃子容 企劃與推廣組

電話:+886-3-5914615 或 Email:angela_huang@itri.org.tw

