



技術名稱: MVC硬體編碼器矽智財


近年來立體視訊擷取與顯示技術逐日成熟,跟立體視訊編解碼相關的研究也開始熱絡起來,而隨著3D攝影機與3D顯示器的價格逐漸平民化,使得消費性立體視訊的應用日益普及,所以ITU-T也在2010將3D立體高階檔次(Stereo High Profile)增修到H.264 MVC規範中,用以支援普及性較高的雙眼立體視訊應用,例如:藍光光碟的3D影片壓縮即是使用H.264的3D立體高階檔次。 本技術提供高解析度3D立體視訊硬體編碼器IP,符合MVC Stereo High Profile規範,並且向下相容H.264 High Profile標準,可提供國內廠商高品質3D影像服務所需的關鍵技術,並可與現有成果之編解碼IP相互結合,在單一核心即可支援H.264與MVC規格,進而降低成本並帶動3D視訊技術之升級。


The Multiview Video Coding (MVC) has been developed as the extension of H.264/AVC by the ITU-T Video Coding Experts and ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. The Multiview High Profile supports an arbitrary number of views, and the Stereo High Profile is designed specifically for two-view stereoscopic video. MVC provides better compression ratio than simulcast coding because it not only employs motion estimation(ME) to eliminate inter-frame redundancy but also employs disparity estimation (DE) to eliminate inter-view redundancy. With the flexibility of Soft-IP solution, ITRI can provide the industry with a high efficiency MVC H/W Encoder technology for stereoscopic video, and to help our customers develop competitive time-to-market applications for 3D full HDTV applications.


(1) Fully-hardware-type encoder,. (2) H.264/AVC (single view) (3) Supports features in H.264/MVC (4) Supports NALUs and Annex B byte-stream of H.264 Bitstreams. (5) Supports 32-bit, 64-bit, and 128-bit memory bus. (6) Total number of instructions for basic encoding operation is less than 0.1 MIPS, and no RISC core is used in this Soft-IP . (7) Module interfaces compliant with Altera Avalon Bus and AMBA Bus (8) Patent pending technologies.

Technical Specification

(1) Fully-hardware-type encoder, which is compliant to:H.264/AVC High Profile, Level 4.2, (compatible with Main & Baseline profile) MVC Stereo High Profile, Level 4.2 For surveillance, camera, recorder, video communication … applications. (2) Picture resolution: H.264/AVC (single view): Max 1920x1088p (HD), 30 fps MVC (two views): Max 1920x1088p (HD), 30 fps. (3) Supports features in H.264/MVC: YCbCr 420 format I/P-Slice CABAC, CAVLC entropy coding tools 4x4, 8x8, and 16x16 Intra Prediction 4x4, and 8x8 Transform MB & SubMB partition for motion estimation Integer, 1/2, and 1/4 pixel for motion estimation Inter View prediction for MVC. (4) Supports NALUs and Annex B byte-stream of H.264 Bitstreams. (5) Supports 32-bit, 64-bit, and 128-bit memory bus. (6) Total number of instructions for basic encoding operation is less than 0.1 MIPS, and no RISC core is used in this Soft-IP (save extra cost of license). (7) Module interfaces compliant with Altera Avalon Bus and AMBA (AXI, AHB, APB) Bus (8) Patent pending technologies, such as CABAC, Run-level, Intra-Prediction, InterFrame/InterView Motion Estimation, De-blocking Filter etc..., are applied.


(1) 同時支援H.264與MVC: 本H.264 MVC硬體編碼器矽智財可在單一硬體核心就能實現H.264 High/Main/Baseline Profile與MVC Stereo High Profile編碼,可同時兼顧2D與3D市場。 (2) 高度硬體化解碼器: 本矽智財是以專用的硬體電路(fully-hardware-type)來編碼H.264/MVC影片,不需要高效能的CPU來分擔編碼工作,與編碼器硬體的hand shaking十分單純,讓驅動程式的撰寫較為容易。 (3) 支援高解析度影片: 最高可以支援到1920x1088的解析度,而且畫面更新率達到每秒30張循序掃描畫面(progressive)。


數位相機、數位攝影機、PC/IP CAM、網路電話或多媒體手機等3D Video Codec相關產品領域、視訊串流、個人隨身裝置與監控 關鍵零組件。


(1) IC Design Tools。 (2) FPGA Platform。 (3) Video Codec相關產品領域。


(1) Video Processing. (2) IC Design. (3) Digital Video Coding.

技術分類 通訊


聯絡人:林媛薇 技術推廣組

電話:+886-3-5915353 或 Email:jessie_lin@itri.org.tw

