1. 紫外線雷射高加速老化技術:開發紫外線雷射應用系統,解決封裝材料黃化試驗速度過慢,協助廠商快速評估適用模組封裝之適用材料。
2. 多因子環境耐候模擬技術:依據太陽光電系統與相關組件於戶外運作時所可能接觸的環境因子進行產品驗證,包括以鹽霧測試(IEC 61701)模擬沿海地區環境、氨氣腐蝕(IEC 62716)測試模擬畜牧業環境、冰雹測試模擬冰雹對產品的影響、電致衰減測試(IEC 62804 draft)模擬系統電壓對組件的影響與加嚴可靠度測試加速模擬產品失效。
3. 大電力模擬與電磁相容測試技術:建立100 kW等級之大功率PV Inverter安規(IEC 62109-1/-2)、併網安全(防孤島效應IEC 62116)、電磁相容、CEC效率與組件可靠度(IEC 62093)等測試技術。
4. 防火試驗系統與測試技術:建立全球第三座IECEE認可之PV防火測試實驗室,驗證太陽光電模組於火焰蔓延測試與燃塊測試的抵抗能力。
5. 動態機械應力測試技術:建立模組機械應力測試技術,模擬與評估模組安裝振動、運輸振動與靜態機械應力的影響。
1. UV Laser of High Accelerated Aging Technology: Develop UV laser application system to solve the long testing time issue from yellowness of PV materials to help the PV manufacturers to fast evaluate the suitable lamination materials for PV modules.
2. Multiple-Factors of Environmental Resistance Simulation Technology: Verify the PV system and related components according to the environmental stress in the field, including salt mist corrosion test(IEC 61701) to verify the resistance along the coast, ammonia test(IEC 62716) to verify the corrosion resistance from the farm, hail test(IEC 61215) to check the impact from the hail, PID test(IEC 62804 draft) to evaluate the impact from system voltage, and extended test(DH3000, TC600) to accelerate the failure of the products.
3. High Electricity Simulation and EMC Test Technology: Develop 100 kW of PV inverter testing capacity, including safety test(IEC 62109-1/-2), grid safety (IEC 62116, anti-islanding), EMC, CEC efficiency, and BOS test(IEC 62093) technology.
4. Fire Test System and Test Technology: Develop the third IECEE recognized fire test laboratory of PV modules. Verify the thermal resistance of PV modules from spread-of-flame test and burning brand test. This technology helps to ensure the quality of PV modules to guarantee the safety of PV system.
5. Dynamic Mechanical Stress Test Technology: Develop the mechanical stress test technology, including vibration from installation, transportation, and static load and ensure the safety of the whole structure.
1. 紫外線高加速老化技術:波長範圍:< 400 nm,相對於其他光源黃化加速因此可達10倍以上
2. PV測試驗證技術:符合對應之IEC規範
Technical Specification
1. UV high acceleratedaging test technology: wavelength < 400 nm, and accelerated factor for delta yellowness is 10 times relative to other light sources.
2. PV Test Technology: Fullfill the requirement of related PV standards.
太陽電池、各式太陽光電模組(矽晶、薄膜與聚焦型)、太陽光電變流器(PV Inverter)、太陽光電系統(PV System)、太陽光電材料與量測設備等
聯絡人:吳鴻森 量測技術發展中心
電話:+886-3-5913899 或 Email:wuhungsen@itri.org.tw