1. 穿透式小角度X光散射(Transmission small angle X-ray scattering, tSAXS)技術:技術內容以發展小角度X光散射技術為主,其中強度增強模組的研究與開發,目的是為了解決tSAXS量測花費時間太長以致於還不足以做為In-Line檢測技術。為了縮短量測時間以提高效率,除了研發新X光光源之外,還可以透過改良X光光學(X-ray optics)系統來獲得強度夠強的繞射訊號,因此本技術發展tSAXS強度增強模組,藉由光柵設計來增強待測光柵繞射之訊號,即是利用特定規格輔助光柵片與待測樣品兩者結合之繞射體積(Diffraction volume)增加,以提高分析準確性及量測效率。
2. 低掠角X光反射(Grazing Incidence X-ray reflectivity, GIXRR)技術: GIXRR廣泛被使用於單層及多層薄膜樣品之量測上,在低掠角(grazing incidence)範圍下改變入射角度,絕大部分的入射光在樣品表面及不同膜層界面產生鏡面反射,僅有部分的入射光會以衰減波(evanescent wave)的形式進入樣品。GIXRR光譜可對應到薄膜樣品中電子密度的變化,在多層薄膜樣品中,若不同膜層間的電子密度有顯著差異,可利用反射光形成的干涉圖譜獲得膜層之厚度、密度及表面粗糙度等相關訊息。
X-ray metrology include the following key technologies:
1. Transmission SAXS (tSAXS): tSASX has been identified as a potential solution for measuring nanoscale features by interrogating structures with sub-nanometer wavelength X-ray radiation. Most relevant parameters describing critical dimensions (CDs) of nanoscale features are pitch, pitch variations, side wall angle, line edge roughness, line width roughness and so forth. Based on the spacing of diffraction peaks alone the pitch can be readily extracted from the tSAXS scattering pattern. The line width of individual structure can be extracted from the envelope function of the scattering intensity. Another advantage of tSAXS is that the issues related to optical properties, e.g. n and k, their wavelength and size dependences can be avoided since tSAXS is based on classical X-ray elastic scattering, the observed scattering intensity depends only on variation in local electron density. tSAXS has mostly been performed using a synchrotron X-ray source for its high beam flux or high brilliance which enables tSAXS measurements of samples with a minuscule scattering volume. However, they are simply too large and too expensive for daily industrial deployment. A lab system with a Mo rotating anode X-ray source has been successfully demonstrated for tSAXS applications in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), but the measurement speed is too slow for high volume manufacturing (HVM). A SAXS technique is proposed to provide some enhancment in the X-ray scattering intensity from a target object (the structures of interests). The enhancement of X-ray scattering intensity can lead to an increase in measurement speed as well as an improvement in signal quality.
2. Grazing Incident X-ray reflectivity (GIXRR) technique is a powerful method for investigating monolithic and multilayered film structures. GIXRR studies are highly sensitive to electron density gradients irrespective of the crystalline nature of the system investigated. It is also one of the few methods that, with great accuracy, allow one to not only extract information on the free surface and the interface(s), but also determine the mass density and the thickness of thin layers along the direction normal to the specimen surface.
1.穿透式小角度X光散射(Transmission small angle X-ray scattering, tSAXS):100 nm ~ 500 nm;1.3 nm
2.低掠角X光反射技術:單層/多層1.2 nm ~ 200 nm
Technical Specification
Measurement ranges
1.Transmission small angle X-ray scattering, tSAXS):pitch, linewidth, side wall angle
~5 nm ~ 500 nm in pitch size
2.Grazing Incidence X-ray reflectivity, GIXRR)技術:single layer, multiple layers
1.2 nm ~ 500 nm
1.穿透式小角度X光散射(Transmission small angle X-ray scattering, tSAXS)技術:技術內容以發展小角度X光散射技術為主,其中強度增強模組的研究與開發,目的是為了解決tSAXS量測花費時間太長以致於還不足以做為In-Line檢測技術。為了縮短量測時間以提高效率,除了研發新X光光源之外,還可以透過改良X光光學(X-ray optics)系統來獲得強度夠強的繞射訊號,因此本技術發展tSAXS強度增強模組,藉由光柵設計來增強待測光柵繞射之訊號,即是利用特定規格輔助光柵片與待測樣品兩者結合之繞射體積(Diffraction volume)增加,以提高分析準確性及量測效率。
2.低掠角X光反射(Grazing Incidence X-ray reflectivity, GIXRR)技術: GIXRR廣泛被使用於單層及多層薄膜樣品之量測上,在低掠角(grazing incidence)範圍下改變入射角度,絕大部分的入射光在樣品表面及不同膜層界面產生鏡面反射,僅有部分的入射光會以衰減波(evanescent wave)的形式進入樣品。GIXRR光譜可對應到薄膜樣品中電子密度的變化,在多層薄膜樣品中,若不同膜層間的電子密度有顯著差異,可利用反射光形成的干涉圖譜獲得膜層之厚度、密度及表面粗糙度等相關訊息。
‧CD結構參數--Pitch, Linewidth, SWA、LER/LWR
‧Film thickness
具備X-ray diffration, SAXS, XRF量測r機台操作
X-ray 光學
聯絡人:傅尉恩 量測技術發展中心
電話:+886-3-5732220 或 Email:WeienFu@itri.org.tw