



技術名稱: 智慧車載寬頻服務平台


智慧車載寬頻服務平台,透過本技術所包含的雲服務管理平台、4G LTE-Fi車載路由器、APP終端,以同時整合乘客服務和駕駛服務設計,幫助客運車輛等商業車隊導入一站式聯網服務。 在乘客服務部分:透過提供給消費者的APP,搭配雲服務內容上架平台,讓車隊業者得以進行客製化OTT服務(如:即時串流、廣告、互動式問卷、折扣券等)的發布、更新與維護,並透過大數據資料的分析掌握乘客的使用偏好。 在車隊管理部分:在一般車輛位置、歷史軌跡、電子圍籬等功能外,透過車載路由器或外加先進駕駛輔助系統的感測器資料收集,可針對駕駛行為(如:急加速、急減速等)進行分析,進而做到基於駕駛或車輛的駕駛風險管控。 透過本服務平台,將可同時滿足車隊業者的行車管理,並提供乘客更多元的乘客服務。


Intelligent Internet of Vehicle Platform (iIoV Platform), which is composed of cloud service platform, 4G Lte-fi car router and APP, is a connected bus solution covering both fleet management service and passenger services. In passenger services: Through our content management cloud, bus operators can easily manage and deliver rich, customized Over-The-Top content, such as real-time streaming, advertisement, questionnaire, coupon and so on, for passengers by APP portal. Besides, based on our data analysis engine in the cloud, bus operators can get the insight of passenger and realize the target customers as good target marketing channel. In fleet management services: Through our car router and its accessory, such as advanced driving assistance system, our platform can provide not only positing, tracking, geo-fencing features, but also driving event detection and driver behavior analysis, such as instant acceleration, instant braking, idling, and so on. These advanced feature can easily build up the reputation of driver, enhance the fleet safety control and reduce the fleet management risks. IoV Platform provides not only advanced fleet management services to enhance the fleets’ safety and efficiency but also OTT services for passengers to enrich the passengers’ journey.


結合雲、網、端的服務平台 A.雲端服務平台部分: A.1支援雲端架構,如Azure App service。 A.2支援社群帳號認證,如FB、Google+。 A.3使用者分析,提供包含性別、年齡、登入時間分布、登入地點分析 A.4設備使用分析,提供設備使用紀錄分析、設備軌跡追蹤、電子圍籬。 A.5駕駛行為分析,提供事件解析,如急加速、急減速等,並可計算評分。 A.6內容動態更新,內建OTT視訊、問券、廣告、積點、商城服務。 A.7到站預估服務,根據歷史數據提供到站預估時間估算。 A.8動態導覽,根據車輛位置顯示導覽介紹。 B. 4G LTE-Fi 車用路由器 B.1支援OTA遠端韌體更新 B.2電信等級設備,符合E-Mask認證。 B.3支援50名乘客同時上網 B.4支援AAA機制,進行身分管控。 C. APP使用者終端 C.1支援Android、iOS版本 C.2支援社群帳號登入,如Google、FB,並搭配路由器進行使用者網路管控。 C.3搭配雲端服務平台,動態顯示乘客端內容。

Technical Specification

IoV platform contains cloud service, LTE-Fi car router and user-side APP A.Cloud service A.1 Support popular cloud hosts,such as Azure App service. A.2 Support social OAuth,such as FB、Google+. A.3 User analysis, including gender, age, login timestamp, login place. A.4 Device analysis, including daily usage, positioning, tracking and geo-fencing. A.5 Driver analysis, including driver behavior log, such as instant braking and instant acceleration and driver reputation calculation. A.6 Content management, including OTT streaming, questionnaire, advertisement, coupon and mobile commence. A.7 Estimated time of arrival based on machine learning with big data. A.8 LBS tour guide. B. 4G LTE-Fi car router B.1 Support Over-The-Air firmware update with dual image. B.2 EMI/EMC pre-test according to the following items: CE: EN301511, EN301908-1, EN300328 V1.8.1, EN300440, EN301489-1/-3/-7/-17/-24, EN55022/24, EN60950, NB(0560). E-Mark: E24 B.3 Support 50 passengers to access internet concurrently. B.4 Support GNSS with GPS and GLONESS. C. User APP C.1 Support Android and iOS C.2 Support OAuth login, such as Google and FB, and AAA control with cloud service. C.3 Remote content update based on each device.




車載資通訊,智慧運輸系統,多媒體推播 (支援不同區域與路線,可搭配不同撥放內容需求)


須架設Windows Server、SQL Server 或mySQL,網路接取設備(例如:有線或無線router)



技術分類 無線通訊


聯絡人:郭惠菁(930345) 企劃與推廣組

電話:+886-35914576 或 Email:JeannineKuo@itri.org.tw

