目前Data Center機櫃內的機器,均以電子訊號作為傳輸媒介,面對未來超高速(100G/400G)傳輸需求,能耗將是光傳輸媒介的50~100倍。有鑒於此,利用成熟的矽半導體製程來整合Silicon Photonics技術將可望大幅降低成本。Silicon Photonics關鍵技術須結合精密半導體製程及光電元件,半導體為我國既有優勢產業,而我國光通訊元件亦在全球扮演重要角色,其中在光通訊雷射與封裝技術皆領先全球;加上法人研究機構在光、電半導體異質整合(hybrid integration)技術的能量,以及學術界在Silicon Photonics的早期投入及佈局,未來加上政府政策帶動,發展為系統格局的解決方案,再配合台灣在資料中心供應鏈的長期耕耘及佈局,將可為台灣產業創造另一新局面。
In order to achieve it, It is necessary to combine the key technologies of silicon photonics and semiconductor processes and the optoelectronic devices. Semiconductor is Taiwan’s most competitive industry and Taiwan also plays an important role in optical communication devices globally, especially the semiconductor lasers and the related packaging technology. We can bring about a new situation by combining the technology foundations of hybrid integration in semiconductors in RD institutes, the early studies of academia in silicon photonics, the sound supply chain and ecosystem in data centers, together with the leading strategies from governmental agencies so that we can develop the system total solutions for the applications in data centers and commercial applications in the long run.
1. Grating coupler coupling loss< 4.5 dB
2. 1x4 MMI splitter insertion loss < 1.5 dB; power imbalance< 1 dB
3. AWG channel spacing 20 nm; cross talk< 15 dB
Technical Specification
1. Grating coupler coupling loss< 4.5 dB
2. 1x4 MMI splitter insertion loss < 1.5 dB; power imbalance< 1 dB
3. AWG channel spacing 20 nm; cross talk< 15 dB
全球扮演重要角色,其中在光通訊雷射與封裝技術皆領先全球;加上法人研究機構在光、電半導體異質整合(hybrid integration)技術的能量,以及學術界在Silicon Photonics的早期投入及佈局,未來加上政府政策帶動,發展為系統格局的解決方案,再配合台灣在資料中心供應鏈的長期耕耘及佈局,將可為台灣產業創造另一新局面。
In order to achieve it, It is necessary to combine the key technologies of silicon photonics and semiconductor processes and the optoelectronic devices. Semiconductor is Taiwan’s most competitive industry and Taiwan also plays an important role in optical communication devices globally, especially the semiconductor lasers and the related packaging technology. We can bring about a new situation by combining the technology foundations of hybrid integration in semiconductors in RD institutes, the early studies of academia in silicon photonics, the sound supply chain and ecosystem in data centers, together with the leading strategies from governmental agencies so that we can develop the system total solutions for the applications in data centers and commercial applications in the long run.
Optical communication, optical storage, and Si Photonic chip test
聯絡人:曾育潔(960406) 企畫與推廣組
電話:13068 或 Email:jackietseng@itri.org.tw