



技術名稱: 視力檢測暨眼底影像分析技術 V2




This technology covers an innovative service cloud platform for vision health examination- iVision. iVision was integrated fundus image quality analysis technology, fundus image stitching, web-based remote screening platform, cloud data management system of personal health passport, real-time health examination report review and generation and the standardized data acquisition units module. It achieves fully electronic medical order operations. Furthermore, there is a portable smart gateway for offline data backup to improve service accessibility and stability. In medical imaging-assisted diagnosis, iVision provides diagnosis-assisted decision support including color fundus images for early detection of diabetic retinopathy severity, glaucoma visual field defects and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) defects, and risk assessment of vascular occlusion/sclerosis. Up to now, This technology has been integrated with more than 20 sets of domestic medical equipment (Crystalvue & Kongho) and trial run in the health check centers and ophthalmology clinics. This Service can effectively improve the efficiency of the eye examination. (examination time 6 min-> 5 min / person)


依其平台技術功能逐項展開: 眼底影像品質分析模組: 採用C語言與OpenCV函數庫於Windows作業系統開發 眼底影像縫合: 採用C語言與OpenCV函數庫於Windows作業系統開發;影像縫合誤差率<0.3pixels、縫合時間為1.8秒 視力健檢創新服務雲端平台(iVision)服務部署支援規格: 後台: IIS(Internet Information Server)、Java Servelet、DB: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2;前台: iOS, Windows Application 醫療影像輔助判讀技術: 糖尿病視網膜眼底病變嚴重程度偵測: 準確度92.06%、敏感度: 87.05%、特異度: 92.37%;五份類Kappa Score: 84.15% 青光眼視野缺損之早期偵測: 準確度93.84%、敏感度: 92.00%、特異度: 95.00% 青光眼視神經纖維缺損之早期偵測: 準確度94.19%、敏感度: 93.92%、特異度: 94.57%

Technical Specification

Expand item according to its platform technical functions: Fundus image quality analysis module: Using C language and OpenCV library to develop on Windows operating system Fundus image stitching: Using C language and OpenCV function library to develop on Windows operating system; image stitching error rate <0.3pixels, stitching time 1.8 seconds Innovative service cloud platform for vision health examination- iVision, Service Deployment Support Specifications: Back-end: IIS (Internet Information Server), Java Server, DB: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2; Front-end: iOS, Windows Application Medical imaging assisted diagnosis technology Detection of the severity of diabetic retinopathy: accuracy 92.06%, sensitivity: 87.05%, specificity: 92.37%; Kappa Score: 84.15% Early detection of glaucoma visual field defects: accuracy: 93.84%, sensitivity: 92.00%, specificity: 95.00% Early detection of RNFL defects in glaucoma: accuracy: 94.19%, sensitivity: 93.92%, specificity: 94.57%




醫療診所/健檢中心 智慧醫療系統商


Windows OS PC, Digital Ophthalmology Scope


數位眼底鏡 醫療資訊系統(HIS,CPOE) 嵌入式系統開發

技術分類 H-智慧醫療


聯絡人:陳建任 智慧醫療與照護服務組

電話:+886-3-5913416 或 Email:cjr@itri.org.tw

