



技術名稱: 運用iMEC實現AI分析技術 v1


本技術為一嵌入式系統,可直接與終端裝置連接(數位眼底鏡、慢性傷口機與網路攝影機整合)並利用人工智慧之深度學習方法,結合巨量醫療資料處理技術,應用於相關智慧醫療照護領域: 糖尿病患眼底檢查服務系統: 用於判讀糖尿病視網膜眼底病變嚴重程度,提供二分類與五分類判讀指標 傷口影像分析與復原決策支援系統: 用於判讀慢性傷口狀況,包含:慢性傷口床範圍與尺寸估算、慢性傷口組織比例偵測 網路攝影機偵測嬰幼兒心率與呼吸之創新偵測技術: 可透過網路攝影機達到基於影像式基礎心率與呼吸監測技術


This technology is an embedded system that can be directly connected to and integrated with a ended device (e.g. digital ophthalmoscope, chronic wound machine and IP cam). Combined with artificial intelligence and massive medical data processing technology were used in this embede system, it can be applied to related smart medical care area. Diabetic retinopathy examination service system: used to determine the severity of diabetic retinopathy, and provide two-class and five-class indicators Chronic wound imaging analysis and recovery decision support system: used to interpret chronic wound conditions, including: chronic wound bed range and size estimation, chronic wound tissue ratio detection Innovative Non-Contact Heart Rate and Respiratory Detection Technology and Services: It can achieve image-based basic heart rate and respiration monitoring technology through webcam


本嵌入式系統硬體相關技術規格 作業系統: Debian 9 CPU: 四核心ARM處理器- Rockchip RK3288 GPU: ARM Mali™-T764 GPU 其他: 支援16GB MMC, microSD 軟體技術規格: 糖尿病患眼底檢查服務系統: 可判讀糖尿病視網膜眼底病變嚴重程度,二分類準確度: 93.86%、五分類Kappa Score: 84.70%,可將本技術與市售10餘款不同廠牌型號的數位眼底鏡設備整合。 傷口影像分析與復原決策支援系統: 慢性傷口床範圍與尺寸估算,Dice達80%;支援5種傷口組織(上皮/肉芽/焦痂/浸潤/腐肉)識別,識別準確度達85% 網路攝影機偵測嬰幼兒新綠與呼吸之創新偵測技術: 以VGA(640 x 480) 、20FPS取樣頻率、距離0.5~0.9公尺量測範圍與環境色溫控制在2500~3000K的環境下,心率量測準確度± 10 % (符合EC-13-4.2.7 國際標準

Technical Specification

Hardware technical specifications: Operating system: Debian 9 CPU: Quad-core ARM processor-Rockchip RK3288 GPU: ARM Mali™-T764 GPU Others: 16GB MMC, microSD Supported Software technical specifications: Diabetic retinopathy examination service system: It can interpret the severity of diabetic retinopathy- the accuracy of two classifications: 93.86%, and the Kappa Score of five classifications: 84.70%. This technology can be integrated with more than 10 different brands digital fundus equipment sold on the market equipment. Chronic wound imaging analysis and recovery decision support system: Estimate the range and size of chronic wound bed, Dice reaches 80%; supports 5 types of wound tissues (epithelium/granulation/scorch/infiltration/slough) recognition, and the accuracy reaches 85% Innovative Non-Contact Heart Rate and Respiratory Detection Technology and Services: Under VGA (640 x 480), 20FPS sampling frequency, distance 0.5~0.9 meters measurement range and color temperature control in 2500~3000K, Heart rate measurement accuracy ± 10% (in line with EC-13-4.2.7 international standards)




糖尿病患眼底檢查服務系統: 醫療院所、健檢中心、社區篩檢、偏鄉 傷口影像分析與復原決策支援系統: 傷口中心、醫療院所、長照機構 網路攝影機偵測嬰幼兒新綠與呼吸之創新偵測技術: 非接觸式心率偵測、網路攝影機加值服務應用、產後護理之家、醫療院所、長照機構


以智慧醫療照護應用領域展開: 糖尿病患眼底檢查服務系統: ML/HIS/PACS/網路基礎建設 傷口影像分析與復原決策支援系統: * 三合一傷口感測裝置(含傷口分析APP) * 傷口資訊整合及決策資源平台建置設備 網路攝影機偵測嬰幼兒新綠與呼吸之創新偵測技術: 作業系統環境:Windows/Android/Linux 網路攝影機: USB 2.0 PORT 或以上等級


以智慧醫療照護應用領域展開: 糖尿病患眼底檢查服務系統: 醫護專業知識、資訊設備操作經驗、視光師或視網膜相關知識 嵌入式系統操作、Linus OS、網路通訊設定、Window OS 傷口影像分析與復原決策支援系統: 使用者: 護理專業知能、資訊設備操作經驗;服務提供者: 資料庫維護知識、網路平台建置知識、APP開發經驗 網路攝影機偵測嬰幼兒新綠與呼吸之創新偵測技術: 具一般電腦簡易操作經驗

技術分類 H-智慧醫療


聯絡人:黎和欣 智慧醫療與照護服務組

電話:+886-3-5913411 或 Email:kernoli@itri.org.tw

