



技術名稱: 糖尿病視網膜病變診斷輔助分析技術


結合眼科醫師專業知識與人工智慧技術所產生的人腦與AI雙腦的AI診斷輔助分析系統,透過AI模型間的互補性,有效提高各自任務 (如:分類、物件偵測) 的效能表現,且軟硬整合於手持式醫材方便攜帶,加快醫師確診的速度,進而提高潛在病患早期發現的比率,減少醫療照護支出與社會成本,守護民眾健康。


This technology is a collaboration of the minds of the human brain and artificial intelligence through the expertise of doctors and AI analysis. Due to the complementary nature between the AI models, the efficacy of separate tasks, such as categorizing and detecting, can be significantly increased. The combination of hardware and software into a portable medical device makes it easy to carry around, and can shorten the time for diagnosis. The technology therefore increases the early detection rate for potential patients and reduces the cost of healthcare and social care.


1. 標示糖尿病眼底病變主要病徵與重要組織的位置 國際上目前唯一可偵測糖尿病眼底病變四種主要病徵 (微血管瘤、出血、軟滲出物、硬滲出物) 以及二種眼底重要組織結構 (視盤、黃斑部區域),並且清楚標示所在位置的AI判讀技術,可有效輔助醫師針對病變嚴重程度的判讀,以及方便與病患解說病情,提升醫囑的遵循性。 2. 切合臺灣糖尿病共同照護網的病變分級需求。 • 糖尿病視網膜病變 (DR) 分級:提供糖尿病視網膜病變五個級別 (No DR、Mild NPDR、Moderate NPDR、Severe NPDR、PDR) 的分類模型 ,給予不同分級病患更為貼切的醫療照護。亦提供是否轉診眼科的二分類模型。 • 糖尿病黃斑部水腫 (DME) 分級:提供臨床上有意義黃斑部水腫 (Clinically Significant Macular Edema;CSME) 分級結果可決定黃斑部水腫最佳治療的時機。

Technical Specification

1. Labels the lesion locations of diabetic retinopathy and identifies location of tissues. This is currently the only AI detection technology in the world that can detect the main four lesions (Microaneurysms, Hemorrhages, Soft Exudates, Hard Exudates), identify two fundus tissues (Disc, Macular), clearly label the corresponding locations, and effectively assist doctors in the detection of the lesions’ severity levels. 2. Is in accordance with the needs of the severity scales of Taiwan’s Diabetes Shared Care Network. •The severity scale of diabetic retinopathy: This technology provides a classification model for the five severity scales of diabetic retinopathy (No DR, Mild NPDR, Moderate NPDR, Severe NPDR, PDR), and ensures suitable healthcare for patients with different severity levels. It also produces a binary classification model regarding the decision for referrals to ophthalmologists •The severity scale of macular edema: The severity for CSME (Clinically Significant Macular Edema) is also presented to identify the proper timing for macular edema treatment.


以AI輔助非眼科醫師診斷解決眼科醫生不足不均。 結合眼科醫師專業知識與人工智慧技術所產生的人腦與AI雙腦的AI診斷輔助分析系統,將更有效率協助非眼科醫師進行眼底影像的細微病變判讀,加快醫師確診的速度,進而提高潛在病患早期發現的比率,減少醫療照護支出與社會成本,守護民眾健康。




至少安裝有一張NVIDIA Pascal以上世代GPU之主機。



技術分類 智慧醫電


聯絡人:陳婉瑜 智慧應用技術組

電話:+886-3-5912218 或 Email:Michelle.Chen@itri.org.tw

