



技術名稱: 輕量化軟殼式醫療包及系統


本技術可針對行動醫療及機構篩檢等服務場景,以適用性高的輕量化軟殼式醫療包,提供各式醫材設備 (包含傷口機、眼底鏡、皮膚鏡、耳鏡、心電圖與超音波等),彈性、隨選化快速plug in整合,並依據不同服務模式及場域需求進行客製化。關於充電部分,醫咖go外側設有一充電孔,供醫護人員在執行巡診服務的過程中,利用車充對所有醫材設備統一充電,達到即放即充之目的;而內建之醫療資訊平台(iMAS)提供完善的個案管理機制,包含檢測影像數據儲存、報告匯出、醫囑圖標註等功能,可提升醫護人員操作便利性,及節省檢查與紀錄時間,藉以改善照護品質。


This technology develops lightweight soft-shell medical kits (called eCargo) which is flexible, on-demand quick plug-in a variety of medical equipments (including wound machines, ophthalmoscopes, dermatoscopes, otoscopes, electrocardiograms and ultrasonography) with high applicability for service scenarios such as mobile care and medical screening. The charging part, there is a charging hole on the outside of the eCargo for medical staff to use the car charger to charge medical equipment during the process of service; and the built-in medical information platform (iMAS) provide case management, including image storage with data, output report, and image labeling of doctor’s orders, which can improve the convenience of operation, save inspection and recording time, and improve the quality of care.


一、多寶盒型醫咖go(硬體) 1.整合至少六項輕量化醫材設備(包含傷口機、眼底鏡、皮膚鏡、耳鏡、心電圖、超音波、TPR生理量測設備、肺量計及聽力檢測儀等) 2.彈性化隨選醫材檢測設備,可快速完成軟硬整合,滿足特定醫療模式 3.採即放即充之充電模式,所有整併之醫材設備可統一充電,使巡診服務不中斷 二、iMAS智慧醫療資訊平台(軟體) 1.解決偏鄉、聯網環境不穩等情形,系統採離線使用模式進行資料傳輸 2.可定義儲存的資料欄位並應用跨科別概念,進行資料儲存及匯入與匯出 3.建立整合式個案管理介面,並提供生理檢測、檢測數據與影像傳輸、遠距視訊、各科別報告匯出與醫師醫囑撰寫等功能 4.提供醫囑圖標註,取代原有醫師使用純文字描述方式,利用圖文相輔模式降低醫護人員溝通效率

Technical Specification

A. Multi treasure-box type eCargo (Hardware) 1. Integrate at least six lightweight medical equipment (including wound machines, ophthalmoscopes, otoscopes, electrocardiograms, ultrasounds, physiological measurement equipment, spirometers and audiometers, etc.) 2. Flexible on-demand medical inspection equipment can quickly complete software and hardware integration to fit specific medical models. 3. All medical inspection equipment can be charged by the mode of put in then charge immediately, which promise the inspection service will not be interrupted. B. Intelligent medical information platform, iMAS (Software) 1. Offline mode system for data transmission, which can solve the situation of remote villages and unstable network environment. 2. Configurable data field and multi-division concepts for data storage, import and export. 3. Integrated case management interface, which provide value-added service such as physiological measurement, the transmission of inspecation data and images, remote video, report exporting for each division, and order writing. 4. Provide labeling for orders, to reduce the misunderstanding of the medical staff on each other.






■電力設備 : 行動充電霸、AC轉接接頭、AC延長線、100W氮化鎵充電頭、Micro USB線材、Type C磁吸接頭、筆電轉USB Type C充電線等 ■醫材設備 : 傷口機、眼底鏡、耳鏡、超音波、心電圖、肺功能機、聽力檢測儀及其他生理量測設備等 ■資訊設備 : 筆記型電腦、平板電腦、讀卡機及行動AP等


■使用者 : 需具備護理專業知能、資訊設備操作經驗 ■系統維護者: 1.需具備熟悉MySQL 規劃、安裝、設定、管理、維護能力,能獨立設計Table、View及建立E-R Model與SQL語法撰寫。 2.需具備Java軟體與Android實務開發經驗、熟悉Spring(Spring MVC、Spring Boot)、Hibernate、JPA等Framework與後端API / WebServices介接設計。 3.需具備網頁設計(HTML/CSS/Javascript) 實務開發經驗

技術分類 H-智慧照護


聯絡人:黎和欣 智慧醫療與照護服務組

電話:+886-3-5913411 或 Email:kernoli@itri.org.tw

