Technology Overview
Point-of-Care AI-DR.
A lack of ophthalmologists and primary care capacity means insufficient support to the growing number of global diabetic patients, resulting in a retinopathy prevalence rate reaching as high as 26.5%. ITRI has combined fundus camera technology with AI and ophthalmologist expertise to develop the Point-of-Care AI-DR which provides a complete solution to diabetic fundus lesion diagnosis and detection. This is the world’s first technology to automatically detect four fundus symptoms and two tissue structures.
Applications & Benefits
Through a self-designed neural network, users can accurately detect symptoms in very small areas that manifest into the 14 common fundus lesions, thus improving fundus examinations, assisting non-ophthalmologists in making relevant decisions, elevating fundus examination rates, and facilitating early screening and treatment to protect the health of the public. ITRI has collaborated with medical device manufacturers to develop hand-held fundus cameras featuring AI capabilities, and received a Class II medical material license from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA). The technology also received both the Edison Awards and R&D 100 Awards in 2022.