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Industrial Technology Research Institute


Plant-Based Food Texture and Fiber Database and Textured Vegetable Protein Formula Adjustment Technology

Technology Overview

Plant-Based Food Texture and Fiber Database and Textured Vegetable Protein Formula Adjustment Technology.
Plant-Based Food Texture and Fiber Database and Textured Vegetable Protein Formula Adjustment Technology.

The use of soy protein as the basis for artificial meat leads to poor texture of the products. ITRI has thus developed a plant-based food texture and fiber database and textured vegetable protein formula adjustment technology to mimic the texture of meat. A texture analyzer is used to test and evaluate the physical texture of both real and artificial crustaceans (such as prawns and lobsters). Product formulas are then adjusted to optimize the texture. The database is expandable to assess different products. ITRI has worked with companies on the development and marketing of plant-based shrimp and bacon as well as instant food packs for the elderly.

Applications & Benefits

The use of plant-based material can replace 20% of the soybean fiber protein currently on the market, creating diverse protein choices and improving the nutritional value of artificial foods.