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Industrial Technology Research Institute


Low Temperature, Cryo-CMOS Control Chip and Module

Technology Overview

Low Temperature, Cryo-CMOS Control Chip and Module.
Low Temperature, Cryo-CMOS Control Chip and Module.

Semiconductor technology and infrastructure have been well developed in Taiwan, including the supply chain from IC design to wafer manufacturing and packaging. ITRI possesses extensive expertise and professionalism in semiconductor IC design, along with rich experience in multi-chip module (MCM) development. This advanced capability enables ITRI to rapidly develop a prototype by utilizing optimized semiconductor resources.

Applications & Benefits

In the field of quantum computing, particularly for systems utilizing promising superconducting qubits that require cryogenic environments for operation, ITRI's research team has demonstrated proficiency in developing devices, transistors, and material models at 4K (-269 ℃). This expertise enables ITRI to develop cryo-CMOS ICs and modules capable of operating at extremely low temperatures by leveraging various supply chain resources.

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