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Industrial Technology Research Institute


Free Form In-Mold Electronics (IME) Design

Technology Overview

Free Form In-Mold Electronics (IME) Design.
Free Form In-Mold Electronics (IME) Design.

In-Mold Electronics (IME) module demand is intensive due to its three-dimensional form factor, easy assembly and artful use of space. The automotive interior decoration is one of the driving force for IME to be used on driving center consoles, steering wheels, door handle controls and so on.

ITRI uses innovative IME design guidelines and development platform for creative versatile types of circuit, contact and interface design to reduce product development time.

Applications & Benefits

  • IME development time can be shorten by adapting development platform with well developed design guidelines and tools.
  • Improving reliability with innovative design freedom of circuit and interface contact design can quickly realize IME products to catch the market.
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