Eric Y. Chuang
Vice President
General Director of Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories
- EMBA, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Sc.D., Cancer Biology, Harvard University, School of Public Health, USA
- M.S., Biology, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
- B.S., Biology, Tunghai University, Taiwan
- Vice President, ITRI (2024.06 to Present)
- General Director of Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories, ITRI (2023.04 to Present)
- Deputy Director, Research and Development Center for Medical Devices, National Taiwan University (2015 to Present)
- Research Fellow, Center of Biotechnology, National Taiwan University (2011 to Present)
- Professor, Graduate Institute of Oncology, National Taiwan University (2011 to Present)
- Professor, Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program, College of Life Science, National Taiwan University (2010 to Present)
- Professor, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University (2008 to Present)
- Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University (2008 to Present)
- Professor, Graduate Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University (2008 to Present)
- Professor, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University (2008 to Present)
- Principal Investigator, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core, NTU Center of Genomic and Precision Medicine, National Taiwan University (2005 to Present)
- Dean, Office of Academia-Industry Cooperation, China Medical University (2021-2023)
- Dean, College of Biomedical Engineering, China Medical University (2021-2023)
- Professor, Master program for Biomedical Engineering, China Medical University (2021-2023)
- Senior Research Consultant, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories, ITRI (2021-2023)
- Deputy General Director, Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories, ITRI (2018-2021)
- Joint Appointment Research Fellow, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica (2016-2021)
- Director and Professor, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University (2012-2018)
- Faculty Affiliate, Department of Environmental & Radiological Health Sciences, Colorado State University (2004-2018)
- Director, NTU Yonglin Biomedical Engineering Center, National Taiwan University (2011-2017)
- Program Director, Radiation Research Program, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (2009-2011)
- Head, Microarray Laboratory, Radiation Oncology Sciences Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (2000-2005)
- Dr. Tung Ta-Cheng’s Basic Cancer Research Award, Taiwan Oncology Society (2021)
- The 5th excellent research award on breast cancer, Taiwan Breast Cancer Foundation (2015)
- On-the-Spot Award, US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service (2001)
About Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories
The output value of the biomedical and medical device industry, which ranks high on the Taiwanese government’s list of priorities, has enjoyed double-digit growth in recent years. In keeping with the government initiative, ITRI has made itself an institute that warrants heavier emphasis in R&D than others.
Preventive medicine is taking center stage in the modern world as people are becoming increasingly vulnerable to chronic and lifestyle diseases. With that in mind, ITRI’s Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories invests profusely in R&D on all fronts—from prevention, diagnosis, pharmaceuticals and surgical techniques to medical devices and healthcare. These endeavors have been duly rewarded as the Lab has evolved into a dynamic driving force behind related industries in Taiwan.
To become a premier global hub for the research and development of innovation-based biomedical technology and medical devices.
To integrate cross-sector science and technologies to foster high value-added biomedical and medical device industries.
Human Resources
Nearly 90% of the Lab’s scientists and staff members hold master’s or higher degrees, with more than 100 of them being Ph.D.’s. This high-caliber team, with members specializing in such fields as medicine, biochemistry, materials, medical engineering and information technology, has scored a good number of major breakthroughs and won the National Invention and Creation Award.