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Industrial Technology Research Institute


ITRI Net Zero Day Showcases Tech Solutions and Industrial Services for Carbon Reduction


ITRI Net Zero Day gathered key industry players to discuss net zero challenges and opportunities.
ITRI Net Zero Day gathered key industry players to discuss net zero challenges and opportunities.

ITRI, supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), hosted ITRI Net Zero Day today, during which carbon reduction strategies were presented on four fronts: carbon management platform, service team, talent, and technology. A technology exhibition was held concurrently to showcase over 40 of ITRI’s carbon reduction technologies involving energy supply, power consumption, low-carbon manufacturing, and sustainable environment. Around 30 business leaders and professionals were in attendance to discuss net zero opportunities and challenges.

During the forum, MOEA Minister Mei-Hua Wang reaffirmed the nation’s commitment to achieving the 2050 target and recognized ITRI’s efforts in leading industries towards net zero. National Development Council Minister Ming-Hsin Kung introduced the roadmap for Taiwan in the transition to net zero emissions. European Economic and Trade Office’s Head of Trade Section Thomas Jürgensen shared key components and principles of the EU’s European Green Deal. Meanwhile, Circular Taiwan Network Chairman Charles Huang focused on promoting innovation in industrial activities via low-carbon lifestyles.

Discussions on four major themes were also held, specifically on the cloud carbon management platform, developing green energy and improving energy efficiency, low carbon manufacturing, and applications of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). The panels gathered ITRI experts along with executives from key industry players such as Evergreen Marine, Swancor Renewable Energy, China Steel Corporation, and Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association to share their insights and experience on these topics.

ITRI Chairman Chih-Kung Lee stated that ITRI engages in cross-domain innovation to provide enterprises with one-stop-shop solutions. The cloud carbon management platform offers the largest database of industrial carbon footprint data in Taiwan, spanning over 20 industries and containing over 10,000 entries of information. It thereby allows companies to keep track of their carbon emissions. The service team assists industry partners in boosting their green competitiveness in a comprehensive and tailored manner, covering corporate education, carbon emissions check-ups, and introduction of tech innovation. ITRI has also established the Taiwan Net Zero Innovation Map for Industry to provide the latest information on net zero initiatives. Meanwhile, it plans to establish a Net Zero & Sustainability School to formulate educational programs and cultivate green-collar talent, he said.

“R&D innovation plays a vital role in Taiwan’s 2050 net zero roadmap as it helps industries strike a balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability,” said ITRI President Edwin Liu. He illustrated some of ITRI’s research achievements in energy supply, power consumption, low-carbon manufacturing, and sustainable environment. Its Industrial Process Hydrogen Power Generation and Purification Recovery Technology, for example, has been applied to the semiconductor industry to produce additional clean power. Working with KDDI, the Immersion Cooling Edge Data Center was built to reduce power consumption of servers by more than 40% through key heat dissipation technologies. Moreover, the Smart Fleet AI Dispatching System is cutting carbon emissions among vessels, while enhancing dispatching efficiency by a factor of six. ITRI has also developed novel CCUS technologies which utilize a highly efficient CO2 absorbent to recover waste heat from factories and thus save costs.

It is hoped that through this event, the expertise and contribution from a variety of sectors will provide new inspirations and comprehensive countermeasures for industry in moving towards net zero emissions. A sustainable future can only be achieved by joining all forces together.

MOEA Minister Mei-Hua Wang recognized ITRI’s efforts in leading industries towards net zero.
MOEA Minister Mei-Hua Wang recognized ITRI’s efforts in leading industries towards net zero.

Media Contact
Vivian Chen
Office of Marketing Communications